June 2020

Dear Section Members:

Which Section of the Florida Bar was just featured in a front-page article of the Wall Street Journal? Read for yourself how the grammatical exploits of past chairs Duane Daiker and Sarah Lahlou-Amine punctuate why your Appellate Practice Section is the most-buzzworthy Section of our Bar! Click here to read the article.

To be a part of it, join us tomorrow! The first ever all virtual Florida Bar Annual Convention is underway, and your Appellate Practice Section served as standard bearer. The very first event Bar-wide was the Appellate Practice Section Pro Bono Committee Meeting, which drew over 30 people committed to the intersection of appellate law and pro bono services. Our CLE, Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion, and Publication Committees followed, each getting record numbers of attendees in the new virtual format, enabling practitioners to attend from anywhere. While we are hopeful for an in-person meeting soon, the heightened attendance has certainly been a legitimate silver lining.

I send you this message not to remind you of past meetings, but instead of the present opportunity to register for our first ever virtual Annual and Executive Council Meeting, tomorrow June 18, 2020, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Registration is free, of course, click here to obtain your Zoom registration information.

Join us and see what the Buzz is all about! I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Kimberly Jones


Kimberly Jones, Chair
The Florida Bar APS Chair 2021-2022